Thursday, August 9, 2007


Thing 13

I'm sorry. I just can't deal with all these links and tags and millions of bloggers. I read through and looked at Del-icio-us and I just don't see the point. Also Technorati. Do we really need to have hundreds of tags to find a few blogs? There are some nice blogs/websites on these places but I don't really need to find so many. Isn't there an easier way to find a few blogs? Does Google search for them? Even if I attach my own blog to one of these things, I doubt that many people would get much out of it.

The other thing is that all this techno language is becoming a bit much for me.

Words I have learned about today (and other days): tags, wii, widgets, clouds, wiki, folksonomy, social bookmarking, wii, boing boing (a nice blog). The idea behind all these things (to help people connect with one another?) is a nice one. But it feels like an awful lot of work just to get it all set up and then more time to keep checking everything you want to connect to. This is the same way I felt about the RSS feeds. Isn't it just as easy to bookmark the sites you like under Favorites on your browser?

Also I don't like having to read blogs, email or any site where the person can't take the time to spell simple words correctly (I'm not talking about shortened IM words like "r u ok?") I mean really misspelled words. It seems more and more acceptable to write as fast as you can and make as many mistakes as you want.

Guess I'm getting old and cranky!!!

1 comment:

JimD said...

I agree with you about Technorati. I just haven't gotten that one yet.

However, I REALLY like For personal use, it's great for me to be able to get to my bookmarks from anywhere. Plus, I can give each site more than one tag. That makes them more available and easy to find than putting them in traditional folders.

The other day I tried in a different way. I was looking for an online horoscope and didn't have much luck with the usual search engine results. I searched in and found a few sites that had been tagged by a lot of people. Sure enough, they were very useful. If the search term is clear enough, can help turn up sites that other folks have found useful.