Thursday, August 9, 2007

Boing Boing

Thing 14

After my last tirade against tag makers and bloggers, I took one more look at the "boing boing" blog and found some fascinating and very funny articles from around the world. This was found in Technorati, which I have decided is not so bad; easier than using Del-icio-us. They have good lists of Favorites and Popular blogs.

I especially enjoyed watching a video on the Liveblogging Chaos Communications Camp in Germany. A large group of bloggers and "hackers" and other computer pros have gathered for a huge camp-out. There are areas set up for people to compute in tents or they can just message everyone from their own tent. They also have various fun games and activities. Different tents are set up by theme and topic to make it easier to find stuff. Everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun and also learning new skills from each other (one group was learning how to pick locks-really!)
Also got a good laugh from an article that said, "A widow and grandma spent the morning in jail, arrested for refusing to give a policeman her name when he tried writing her a ticket for failing to water her yard." Linked in boing boing:
Boing Boing is now one of my favorite blogs!

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