Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A New Day

Thing 2 again!

Back again, refreshed and ready for more blogging:) I looked at some other people's blogs just now and realized that I am not exactly following directions. I am hopping around all over the place. So here is an update on the 7 1/2 Habits of Life Long Learners: This was maybe more profound than I thought (especially since I couldn't see most of it). I tend to want to learn quickly and then have to go back and review.
Easiest thing: Play. I feel basically lazy and playing is more fun. But sometimes I get more done when I am having fun.
Hardest thing: Begin with the end in mind. I hate making decisions. If I am given a list I will follow it....sort of/maybe. But if I have to decide what I want to do myself I will procrastinate and then maybe change my mind halfway there. It really depends on what is available.

My favorite blog so far is the Sausage King and his weiner dog!

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